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With The Works 


The Preakness Challenge

I will spare you my best Preakness story, it didn't involve picking the winner but more of aiding and abetting, Sway Away's owner in...


The Wagners Pharmacy Diner is the primary destination for Derby goers Derby week. It's all racegoers and backstretch workers, trainers,...

Do or Do Not

Master Yoda told Luke Skywalker, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, "Do, or do not, there is no try" Horseplayers are a bunch, I...


It was 1999, a good horse named OLD TRIESTE, was pointing for the Breeders Cup Classic, at old Gulfstream Park, pre-Stronach era. Big...


The National Handicapping Championship takes place this week in Las Vegas. Handicappers descend on sin city to try their handicapping...

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