My mother, Tina, may she rest in peace, used to always utter these words when I did something stupid "Ottuso"
Ottuso, according to Collins dictionary, is Someone who is obtuse has difficulty understanding things, or makes no effort to understand them.
Let's try it in a sentence," if you are prediciting a golden rail on Friday you can be called ottuso."
So, we have some context here and this is the time and days of the year that some can be really obtuse or ottuso.
Players tend to spew a lot of hot air from their pie holes, without any idea if they are right, wrong, or even anywhere near the ballpark or track. They just speak out like 'they know', when in reality they are just repeating the stupid sayings like 'golden rail', they have heard a thousand times.
I am proud to say that I learned to watch my words carefully, because you know if you say something people hang hats on them, and if you change your tune from 'I'm so vain' to 'living on a prayer' you get that one guy '...but you said!'
Some people have been 'embarassed so many times it doesn't matter anymore', that they welcome another gaff on the mantle, and some need a second mantle.
I listen to no one, or maybe very few individuals, and it has to have some evidence or context, not just I think, 'this or that', who gives a flying perugi what you think and without context, go fly a kite or something, get the Fark out my face with your dumbass shit.
We don't know if these people are still hung over from Halloween parties or they simply are still wearing the clown makeup.
The KEY to making winning decisions is not to listen to 'ottuso' individuals, as we get another chance to use my moms favorite words.

Momma Tina after Breeders Cup 2019
I have had a number of people want to tell me who other people like:
I couldn't give two F's about their opinion, every body has an opinion like every body has at least one 'elbow', staying in the PG-13 mode.
What makes an opinion legitimate, is first of all, track record, if you suck at takes and opinions and are constantly wrong, F-off and stay off.
If you have legitimately good opinion history, then maybe you deserve some consideration if you don't wear the clown giddy up too many times. 🤡 but let's be frank, many are born with that clown mentality, so why do I or you need to listen to one syllable out of their mouth.
Today and tomorrow, are prime examples of days you count on those who are day in and day out showing up with well thought of, evidence based, with context opinions, without any clown makeup to be seen.
You will hear a lot of opinions today, starting with the talking heads, or the turf authority chosen ones with takes.
Talking heads will race after race blurt out their three signature plays out of their limited tool box "Who's going to get the lead?", "the controlling speed'', and finally but not least 'its a golden rail'.
This is all they know. Everything, and its fits just perfectly in their little tool box, my guess its a scooby do lunch box with the inscription "Roh Roh!''
if you listen you deserve what you get.
When it comes to horseflesh rely on those who seem to be looking at horses thru equine lenses, Andie Biancone comes to mind as a good follow.
If the person tells you 'the horse looks strong', there is no handicapping advantage for a horse to look strong, some fillies are light and smaller but are powerhouses on the track.
It's like going to Venice Beach and attending the body building contests and saying 'they look strong' - No $hit Sherlock.
Horses, once they are saddled pop muscles out you couldn't tell they had without a rider on board, and for a horse to handle a distance, or this caliber of horse, he or she has to be strong. The 'strong' comment deserve to be in the ottuso category.
'He was impressive' last out, that is another common jargon used, and literally you hear it over and over, on a daily basis.
A recent maiden winner, on the wrong lead thru the lane, shortstriding, but winning by three, in ugly manner, and you hear immediately after 'what an impressive performance'.
It was ugly, like watching me at 63 trying to catch Joe or Rudy on the playground, I am short striding, choppy, not impressive, yet if a horse wins 'it's impressive', whether it was really sharp or not, it oesn't matter, it's impressive.
My personal reaction is:
'Ma va fa in gul a sorota' with those comments, useless.
I refuse to translate my Napoletan dialect as I will neither confirm nor deny there are bad words there, but you get the gist.
No, I don't believe the track will be a golden rail, just like i don't believe the figures in the Florida Derby and the Travers Stakes for Fierceness , how can i say, lightly, 'fubar'
Stay out of the noise, just roll your eyes at the constant comments made, in one ear out the other.
Mamma Tina would also bend over backwards to make sure you are well fed, she liked you fat and sassy, not too skinny, she was a character, and a wonderful cook.
I am trying to follow up in her footsteps and not being 'ottuso'.