Racingwithbruno is always looking for way for you to enjoy the sport of thoroughbred racing but for many the language of the game can be intimidating. We are going to take this opportunity to develop our own Trainer Speak 101 to interpret the scattered jargon in a shedrow near you. Horse trainers can be misunderstood creatures and a little help would go a long way in bridging the gap of trainer---->owner, handicapper, etc. We have taken a number of trainer interviews over the years have developed an interface to translate. for example:
"The longer the better'' Translation: ----> [Horse] is slow. "I wish I had one more work" Translation: -----> you should bet with both hands. 'She likes to run", Translation: -------> I have never liked [horse] but exceeded my expectation, still don't like [horse] Get your Special 50 credits at 33% off Click here "I think she wants grass", Translation: -------------> a big paddock with grass and no other horse in sight "She couldn't blow out a match", Translation: ---------------> She's got a breathing problem. Cliches are a dime a dozen around the racetrack, and it makes good copy but rarely can tell you anything about the horse, "fit as hands could make'em", Translation:--------> [horse] is three works away. Get your Special 85 credits at 33% off. Click here "I Wouldn't trade places with anybody" Translation: -------------> I would rather saddle the favorite in the race. "[horse] worked fast, clockers missed [horse]" Translation: -----------> the clocker is a friend of mine and slowed time down for me "wants to go two turns" Translation: -----------> One turn out of my stall and second turn in a van and out of my barn. "You need to fix your watch'',or "your watch is broken'' and/or "Your watch is faster than mine" Translation: ---------------> You are seriously cramping my style. "he's got as good a shot as any", Translation: -------------------> I Wouldn't bet [horse] with your money 'He doesn't have a pimple on him,'' Translation: --------------->He has much worse "Looked like he was galloping'' Translation:------------> I can't operate a stopwatch correctly. Get your Special 90 days All-Inclusive at 33% off. Click here "He may not be able to walk out of stall tomorrow", Translation: ----------------> he can't lose next out. "He's crooked,'' one of my favorites at the sales Translation: ---------> but I love the horse and I will spend as much as I can of someone's else money to get in my barn. Popular after a claim, "I wormed him and did his teeth.'' Translation:-----------------> then my vet went over him and went to work. "He likes to hear his feet rattle'', usually after a good work. Translation:----------------------> I got him going so good right now, it's scary Precocious horses are easy to train, "[horse] was all speed when I got from the farm" Translation: ----------------> It wasn't anything I did, [horse] was ready and I didn't screw it up. The usage of "She ate up good last nite'', is used to describe how a horse came out of a race. Translation: --------------> That's what my people say, I haven't seen the horse since ran. "So you know'', one of my all time favorites. Translation:-------------> I should have told you 90 days ago "[horse] is just going to go easy", Translation:---------> I don't think she could go any faster today and come back to the barn in one piece. "Horse needs a race" is a clever way of saying Translation: --------------> I have zero clue how this horse is going to do today "Problem is the feet" seems to be a wise choice of words. Translation: ------------------> and all the way up. "[horse] got a little tear, pinhole in tendon, 90 days good as new'', have heard this numerous times until they got to the farm. "Translation:-----------------------> Won't ever race again. Get your Special One Year All-Inclusive at 33% off. Click here "[Horse] could be any kind" is used exclusively on a well bred horse. Translation: ----------------> showed nothing so far. "Bred in the purple", if I had a penny for every time I heard that. Translation: -------------> Couldn't outrun Barney the [effing] Dinosaur. "He's a nice colt'', another dime a dozen cliches. Translation: ----------------> he would have been worth something as a filly. and finally, "I have to talk to the owners and see if they let me run there", Translation: ---------------------> I really hate to call and tell them anything. So anytime you talk to a trainer, you too, can walk away with the satisfaction of knowing a thing or two about your horse. **A few current trainers, and former trainers [who shall remain anonymous] have contributed to this blog's content.